SAP will be a cloud based company in future powered by new database Hana and is presented to the customers with Fiori screens
 List of 5 most rewarding roles that are expected to be on the rise in the next 5 years :
 1.BASIS ( Hana Database )
2.Hana Cloud Integration Specialist
3.Data Provisioning Specialist
4.Mobile Application Designer / Developer
5.Business Process Architect Accountable for Delivery

BASIS ( Hana Database )
Professionals with knowledge in SAP BASIS along with HANA experience will be inevitably required for continuity of systems. It is expected that over 300000 customers will opt for a shift to HANA.

HANA Cloud Integration Specialist
SAP HANA is stated  that it is a platform that helps in integration of business processes and data across on-premise and cloud applications.  
Seamless integration between systems and platforms will further require trained professionals who can help with the integration with cloud based platforms.

Data Provisioning Specialist

For businesses to prosper, real time analytics and sound predictions will become the prerequisite and a Iot of  Bigdata, Real Time Analytics and such other applications will guide business processes so that data can be effectively captured, transformed into workable numbers and uploaded on time.
Incorrect data can have disastrous results or a business, therefore it is important to source the right information. Therefore, professionals with experience in SLT, DXC, BODS will also be most sought after.

Mobile Application Designer / Developer

In the coming 5 years, all the business processes will be guided by technology that is faster and mobile.This change will call for a lot of efforts around mobile development making mobile application designers/developers the most wanted professionals of the time. OData, Jquery, Cordova, Eclipse, SAPUI5, SMP...Fiori will be the preferred platforms.

Business Process Architect Accountable for Delivery

The eligibility criteria for this role will require a combination of extensive knowledge of various SAP landscapes as well as an enviable industry experience. These professionals will be primarily responsible for reviewing business processes and suggesting ways and means of improvement with the help of the latest tools from SAP.

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